Supporting Children & Young People

We believe that every child and young person should experience the enjoyment and benefits that being active can bring.

We believe that every child and young person should experience the enjoyment and benefits that being active can bring. Their needs, expectations and safety should come first in the design and delivery of activity.

We are committed to enhancing the lives of children and young people in our communities, especially those most in need, through ensuring a high quality, accessible, sport, physical activity and health & wellbeing offer for all.

Our focus is on:

  • The value sport and physical activity can have on the mental and physical wellbeing of children & young people.
  • Physical literacy at the heart of this big issue, with a starting point that all children, irrespective of their abilities, should enjoy being active.
  • A focus on inequalities, which often start at a young age, especially, girls, disabled young people, young people with long-term health conditions, those from less affluent families and young people from Black and Asian backgrounds.
  • Transforming the workforce to be developed, recognised and empowered to deliver quality experiences for children & young people
  • Influencing the design and delivery of physical activity in education settings.
  • Supporting parents & carers to understand the importance of movement & enjoyment.
  • Embracing technology so being active is easier, more attractive & more relevant to children & young people.
  • Equal access to England's Talent Pathways.

Our offer of support through the Active Schools section includes the Daily Boost, School Games, Team Leicestershire, Virtual Together App and additional support and training to help schools to deliver a high quality PE, school sport, physical activity and health and wellbeing offer for all children & young people.

Our Active Tots section for Childcare Professionals, provides information on; local events/courses, the Conference, Healthy Tots accreditation and resources on physical activity.

We will work alongside our Early Years Professionals, SSPANs, Schools, Local Authorities, key local delivery partners and voluntary community clubs, groups and organisations, to develop and deliver accessible opportunities, with a particular focus on tackling inequalities.

Physical Activity Guidelines for Under 5's, Children & Young People

The UK Chief Medical Officers' physical activity guidelines reinforce the importance of physical activity by providing recommendations on the frequency, intensity, duration and types of physical activity required for health benefits.

We have produced localised leaflets of the Chief Medical Officer's Infographics explaining the physical activity needed for general health benefits at different life stages.

These are available for our partners to use and can be downloaded below. If you require these in a printable format please contact us.

For more information please contact:

Geoff Maltby

Geoff Maltby

Active Together

Strategic Lead

I am currently remote working, so please contact me via email/mobile phone (where provided).

My areas of responsibility are:

- Supporting Children & Young People
- Primary Sport Premium Advisor
- School Sport & Physical Activity Network (SSPAN) Development
- Strategic Management & Business Planning
- Place based support for Charnwood, Hinckley & Bosworth, Melton & North West Leicestershire
- Supporting lower socio economic groups

Advocates message - It's vitally important for our children & young people to be physically active for at least 60 minutes a day, to support both their physical and mental health. This includes high quality PE and school sport, but also a variety of sport and physical activity opportunities outside of school in our community settings.

01509 467489