England Netball - South Yorkshire Development Officer

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England Netball - South Yorkshire Development Officer

S9 5DA

Contact Information
Jade Elson

About England Netball - South Yorkshire Development Officer

We support and provide opportunities to engage, play, umpire, coach and volunteer within Netball across South Yorkshire.

If you would like to get involved in Netball across South Yorkshire in any format, be it a coach, player umpire, volunteer or any other way, please get in touch and we will signpost you to your nearest and most appropriate opportunity.

There are lots of ways to play Netball in South Yorkshire, no matter your age or experience levels, there is an offer for you, from Walking Netball, Junior Sessions, Back to Netball through to the County League and Performance teams, there is something for everyone.

At least one million women engage with Netball every week, its fun, fast paced (or slow paced for walking netball!) and keeps you fit, healthy and active. Why not see how you can get involved?

Get in touch...

South Yorkshire Development Officer: Jade Elson

Email: jade.elson@englandnetball.co.uk

Mobile: 07894620596

Twitter: @NetballinSouthYorks

Facebook Page: Netball in South Yorkshire

Website: http://www.englandnetball.co.uk

The information contained on this website has been provided by third parties (activity providers) independent of Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and lead data collection partners in each borough. It is the responsibility of each activity provider to ensure that information relating to their activity / facility remains up to date and accurate. Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and lead data collection partners in each borough accepts no liability for any illegality arising from error or omissions or inaccuracy in such material and take no responsibility for such material.

Before taking part in any activities listed here, Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and borough lead partners strongly recommend that you make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision and a safe environment is provided. Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (LRS) and borough lead partners accepts no liability (to the full extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided.