Pilates Class in Scraptoft

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Pilates Class in Scraptoft

Relax, stretch, strengthen, tone, laugh, move freely and breathe...Pilates with Tasneem.

Scraptoft Community Hub, Malsbury Avenue, Leicester, LE7 9FQ
Tasneem Ibrahim / yogawithtasneem@gmail.com / 07391537795

Pilates Class in Scraptoft

This class is suitable for all levels of fitness and Pilates experience including complete beginners. It includes a range of mat based exercises which are explained with options to vary.

Pilates uses the body and the mind and requires a good level of concentration This allows us to switch off from the outside world during our practise. Breath work forms part of the focus of our class, enabling us to enhance the effectiveness of each exercise and support relaxation.

With regular practice you will become more in tune with your body, have better alignment, control and flow of movement. Posture will improve with better joint mobility, strength and flexibility.