Workshop on financial empowerment in deprived areas

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Workshop on financial empowerment in deprived areas

Discussing financial literacy, entrepreneurship, debt advice and women's empowerment in deprived communities to propose positive solutions.

Hugh Aston Building, DMU, The Newarke, Leicester, LE2 7BY

Workshop on financial empowerment in deprived areas

The cost of living crisis has brought into stark relief the long run challenges of addressing poverty and deprivation in the UK. This workshop will explore practical ways that government, charities and businesses can support and empower individuals and communities to improve their financial prospects. Four specific topics we will explore are:

  • Understanding financial literacy: What do we mean by financial literacy and how do we measure it? How does financial literacy connect to debt, poverty and mental health? What interventions can improve financial literacy?
  • Entrepreneurship: What entrepreneurial skills exist in the community, particularly deprived areas? What skills are lacking? How can we enable individuals with entrepreneurial talent to fulfill their potential?
  • Debt advice and early intervention: Where and when do individuals seek debt advice? How can we encourage those in financial difficult to seek timely access to expert advice? How can we encourage people to follow debt advice given?
  • Women's empowerment: What do we mean by economic empowerment and financial independence and how does this relate to debt, poverty and mental health? How can we empower women to become entrepreneurs?

The workshop is open to all and will involve a mix of short presentations and discussion. We hope that it will provide a forum for people from academia, policy, voluntary and private sectors to exchange experiences, insights and best practice to inform positive and practical interventions that could be implemented at a local level.

Speakers and guests

There is a great line of guests and speakers including:

Workshop schedule:

9:00 Registration opens and light refreshments.

9:30-10:00 Welcome and introductions.

10:00-11:00 Session 1: Short presentations. Guests will briefly introduce their work and key insights in 5-10 minute presentations.

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-12:30 Session 2: Round-table discussion. We will break into groups to discuss the four topics mentioned above.

12:30-13:30 Lunch and networking

13:30-14:30 Session 3: Panel discussion.

14:30-15:00 Wrap up discussion.

Workshop organizers:

Source: DMU, Eventbrite


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