Early Years Physical Activity: Rethinking Outdoor Spaces in the Early Years

Early Years Physical Activity: Rethinking Outdoor Spaces in the Early Years Icon

Early Years Physical Activity: Rethinking Outdoor Spaces in the Early Years

Outdoor experiences offer rich opportunities for learning, often in more varied and more physically challenging ways than indoors.

Lucy Baginskis / l.baginskis@active-together.org / 01509467472

Early Years Physical Activity: Rethinking Outdoor Spaces in the Early Years

This course will be delivered by Early Excellence, Andy Burt.

Andy is a widely experienced EYFS and key stage one teacher, school leader, writer and consultant who has worked across the UK and overseas as part of his current role. His passion is for developing, supporting and sharing creative and fascinating approaches to teaching and learning. Research done in collaboration with Professor Pat Broadhead, focusing on open-ended imaginative play, led to the co- written text Understanding Young Children's Learning Through Play which was published by Routledge in 2011. In his training and consultancy work, Andy draws upon his experience in creating enabling indoor and outdoor environments which provide the context for rich and inspiring responses to children's fascinations. Since 2020, Andy has presented The Early Excellence Podcast, a free weekly podcast for the EYFS community.

More information about Andy and Early Excellence can be found here: https://earlyexcellence.com/about-us/our-senior-team/

This workshop will cover outdoor experiences which offer rich opportunities for learning, often in more varied and more physically challenging ways than indoors. For our own outdoor spaces to be effective, we, as adults, need to see their rich learning potential. In this session, we will share and discuss the key principles of effective outdoor practice and support practitioners to create a vision for developing their own inspiring outdoor area.

Suitable for anyone working with children under the age of 5.


  • Free of Charge for those who live or work within Leicestershire, Leicester or Rutland
  • Should you need to cancel your place and are unable to attend please let us know. If this is outside of 12 hours notice then you will be charged a £10 per person cancellation charge.




Not Available