Get Grants: FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking

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Get Grants: FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking

An opportunity to meet fellow Fundraisers and discuss the challenges and new opportunities arising in our sector.

Get Grants: FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking

There has never been a greater need for fundraisers to get together and share knowledge and experience. Get Grants FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events bring fundraisers together to access friendly peer support from our UK-wide Get Grants Community.

If you are new to fundraising, are the only person fundraising in your organisation, or have a wealth of fundraising experience to share, our FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events are a fantastic opportunity to connect with other fundraisers!

Join us each month for expert insights, advice, top tips, from the Get Grants team, and peer support from our friendly Get Grants Fundraising Community!

In these popular events, we hand the mic over to you, giving you a space to talk about your fundraising challenges and frustrations and celebrate your successes!


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