Rothley Active Mums Club Buggy Walk

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Rothley Active Mums Club Buggy Walk

Active mums club army walk leader Isabel leads a walk in Charnwood.

Rothley Library

Rothley Active Mums Club Buggy Walk

Join our wonderful Active Mums Army volunteer Isabel in a mums-led buggy walk.

Meeting at Rothley Library Car Park, the group will set off around the local area, and will involve the all important cuppa stop.

There is a short stay car park just up the road from the library.

Sociable, friendly and a group of like-minded lovely people.

If you've not been on one of our walks before please register your details with us under the more info option.
But if you forget or change your mind on the day, don't worry you can still turn up and we will just ask your name when you get there.
If you have registered before you do not need to again.
We look forward to seeing you and your little one 🙂