LTA Foundation Grants

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LTA Foundation Grants

We want to partner with other tennis charities and a wide range of organisations across the ‘sport for development’ and third sectors more broadly to improve lives through tennis.

About LTA Foundation Grants

We partner with brilliant people and organisations to improve lives through tennis and our ambition is to support partners - who are making a real difference to people through tennis. The funding we provide is solely for the grassroots of the game and, as the LTA's charity, we're committed to working in all parts of Great Britain with a particular focus on diverse and underserved communities where the game is less well established.

We want to partner with other tennis charities and a wide range of organisations across the 'sport for development' and third sectors more broadly. We can accept applications from any organisation, if it's properly constituted. Being properly constituted normally means having a Constitution, Articles of Association or rules in place. Examples of the types of organisations we can fund could be:

  • a registered charity
  • a charitable incorporated organisation
  • company limited by guarantee
  • community interest company limited by guarantee
  • a school, college or university
  • a Local Authority

Whilst we can support tennis clubs through this framework, this will generally be through exceptional circumstances, and is not the primary focus of the grant framework. Unfortunately, we cannot directly fund individuals.

Hinckley Town Tennis Club places emphasis on enjoyment and making tennis a sport for everyone. Members of the club work in partnership with well-being practitioners to deliver its LTA Tennis Foundation grant funded programme - Feel Good Tennis. This involves opening tennis up to the wider community, including schools, NHS workers and via social prescribing to provide 90-minute sessions; 45 minutes of tennis and 45 minutes of mindfulness.

The two grant making schemes are as follows:


We want to partner with organisations who challenge the status quo and develop creative solutions to open tennis up and improve lives through doing so. We're open to some risk and are interested in the reasons why activities work, or don't work, and in capturing and sharing this learning.


Have you got a project that improves lives through tennis and a concept that is proven to work? It could be so much bigger and better, but limited resources are holding you back? We want to partner with you to demonstrably scale it up.

The initial funding round for 2024 is now closed and applications are no longer being accepted. There are currently no plans to open further funding rounds in 2024, but if this changes, dates will be published on the LTA Foundation website - Grants (

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