North West Leics DC - UKSPF Community Grant

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North West Leics DC - UKSPF Community Grant

This grant scheme is part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and supports a range of community activities and initiatives that are aligned to the Levelling Up missions as defined by the government.


About North West Leics DC - UKSPF Community Grant

The fund is open to North West Leicestershire parish and town councils, parish meetings, constituted voluntary and community groups, uniformed groups, PTAs and not-for-profit organisations. Each parish or area has been allocated an amount of between £3000 and £10,000 based on population size.

What sort of projects will this grant scheme fund?

We are looking for projects that deliver one or more of the following:

  • Create or improve an area of public space, leading to increased visits
  • Make an area wheelchair accessible
  • Support a local event or initiative (eg arts, heritage, cultural, creative)
  • An improvement to the local neighbourhood
  • Create a new or support an existing local facility (eg sports field, museum)
  • Create or improve green space or water
  • Create or improve local paths and cycleways
  • Plant Trees
  • Make changes to an area to reduce the occurrence of Anti-Social Behaviour or Crime
  • Campaign to encourage visits to the local area
  • Provide volunteering opportunities, bringing diverse groups of the community together
  • Support an existing group to obtain, retain or develop skills, knowledge and tools (particularly where this safeguards their future or helps them grow)
  • Install or improve digital connectivity (eg broadband or wifi) in a community facility


ROUND 3: 2024/25
Application Closes: 28 June 2024

ROUND 4: 2024/25
Application Open: 1 August 2024
Application Closes: 31 December 2024

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