Parkinson's UK Physical Activity Grants

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Parkinson's UK Physical Activity Grants

The Physical Activity grants scheme helps fund activity providers to give people with Parkinson's more opportunities to get and stay active.

About Parkinson's UK Physical Activity Grants

The Parkinson's UK Physical Activity Grants Programme supports activity providers, communities, networks, organisations and others to develop opportunities for people with Parkinson's to become and stay active. Being active can have a significant impact on living well with Parkinson's, regardless of symptoms or time since diagnosis. This programme has been made possible by funding from Parkinson's UK and Boost Charitable Trust.

Programme Outcomes: It is important that any opportunities we fund can demonstrate the following desired impact:

  • People with Parkinson's become and stay active, and/or significantly increase their levels of activity if they are already active.
  • More physical activity provision for everyone with Parkinson's across the UK.
  • Improved social wellbeing in people with Parkinson's as a result of attending the project.

Funding Amounts: In 2024 applications can be made for a minimum of £500 up to a maximum of £3000.


In 2024 the application period will open on Monday 3 June. It is a rolling programme and applications will be accepted until all of the funding has been allocated. Please note that although this is a rolling programme we will close early should funds be allocated sooner, due to the number of applications received and the popularity of the programme.

For more information on the fund, please visit - Grants for physical activity providers | Parkinson's UK (

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