3 X Magic Mile Relay Repeats

3 X Magic Mile Relay Repeats

Address: Longford Park, Windmill Road Entrance

Contact Name
Longford Park, Windmill Road Entrance
Contact URL

Activity Information

The aim of this training session is mixing speed and endurance to help keep the body guessing and developing running fitness. The session will be organised firstly with a group warm up. Runners will then be split into relay pairs of mixed ability. The first runners go off to complete their first magic mile relay loop. When the first runners complete the magic mile loop, they then tag or hand over the baton to their relay partners who start their magic mile loop. The runner who has completed the magic mile then starts a short loop, gentle run/ walk recovery, before being in place to go off on their next magic mile relay loop. The aim is for all runners to have completed 3 magic mile loops by the end of the session. These are effective speed work sessions, which are great for improving lactate threshold and VO2 max. This will be quite a full session, therefore the start time will be slightly earlier @ 9am.
Sun 14th Jul 2024 (09:00 - 06:01)
Sport / Physical Activity
Single session £0.00

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