Coaching Course 1 Thurs 5th August Thurs 9th October

Coaching Course 1 Thurs 5th August Thurs 9th October

Address: TopGolf Surrey
Top Golf, Moated Farm Drive

Contact Name
Girls Golf Rocks

Activity Information

The coaching course will be one-hour sessions over six weeks. The last session will be out on the course. The sessions will be: • FUN! • Team/group-based activity • Varied to include a taste of all aspects of golf • Include social time either at the beginning or end (or both) During the six-week coaching course you will receive a Girls Golf Rocks goody bag which includes a polo shirt and water bottle. The course will run from 17:30 - 18:30 on Thurs 5th August - Thurs 9th October for six consecutive weeks. In the event of adverse weather or if you are unable to attend your coaching course for any reason then please contact the club direct. Please arrive 10-15 minutes ahead of the session time. You can wear what you like if it’s comfy and keeps you warm or cool depending on the weather! Trainers are fine for footwear. When booking onto this course, please carefully check the size of the polo shirt you require as we are not able to process exchanges. We hope you enjoy your Girls Golf Rocks coaching course.
Wed 3rd Jul 2024 (09:00)
Sport / Physical Activity

This activity also runs on these dates:

Thu, 4 Jul 2024 (09:00)
Fri, 5 Jul 2024 (09:00)
Sat, 6 Jul 2024 (09:00)
Sun, 7 Jul 2024 (09:00)
Mon, 8 Jul 2024 (09:00)
Plus 21 more sessions...

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Before taking part in any activities listed here, Active Together and borough lead partners strongly recommend that you make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision and a safe environment is provided. Active Together and borough lead partners accepts no liability (to the full extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided.