Friday Night Yoga Nidra

Friday Night Yoga Nidra

Address: Northampton School for Boys
Billing Road

Contact Name
Sam Turner Yoga
Contact URL

Activity Information

Come and enjoy a blissful Friday night of Yoga Nidra. This will be a great way to unwind from the week and set yourself up for the weekend. Yoga Nidra is a practice of conscious rest (commonly referred to as yogic sleep/sleep of the yogis) where you are guided through different stages to enter a deep state of relaxation.

Event breakdown:

  • Discussing Sankalpa (loosely translated to intention) and creating one
  • Gentle seated and laying down movement
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Returning to reality with a cup of tea

There are multiple ticket options including eye pillows. Eye pillows are a fantastic way of shutting out any additional light and they offer a gentle pressure on the face that aids relaxation. These are scented with lavender. They come highly recommended - my clients couldn't do a practice without one either!

Want to know more about Yoga Nidra before committing? Check out my blog, which covers many different aspects of the practice:

CANCELLATION POLICY: My event holds a limited number of spaces. For this reason, I request that you cancel at least 72 hours before the event. Please contact Sam Turner to cancel on You will receive a refund, with £1 deducted due to admin fees. Any cancellation with less than 72 hours notice will not receive a refund. This ticket is non-transferable.

This yoga class/event for adults is hosted, in a privately hired room, on a secondary school site where children will be present in other areas of the site for clubs and activities that are not related to Sam Turner Yoga.

Fri 2nd Aug 2024 (17:30 - 19:00)
Sport / Physical Activity
  • Event £15.00
  • Event + Lavender Eye Pillow £23.00

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