MUM & BABY YOGA (The Place, Stamford) February 2024

MUM & BABY YOGA (The Place, Stamford) February 2024

Address: The Place
29 Saint Mary's Street

Contact Name
Nomad Therapy
Contact URL

Activity Information


These classes ease you back into your body and continue the expansion of the bond with your baby through breath, mindfulness, movement, music and relaxation.


A typical session contains a range of gentle yoga for you and your baby.
There is a structure to the class, but most of the time you follow your baby’s cues.
Combining movement, music and massage creates a ‘spiral of JOY’.
With our sedentary lifestyles babies spend a lot of time in car seats, baby chairs and prams. They don’t get to experience their full potential for movement.

These classes take place every week and are progressive with your baby's development.


  • Aids DIGESTION and circulation.
  • Can help the baby SLEEP more deeply.
  • Strengthens and aids physical development.
  • Enhanced interaction & communication between parent and baby.
  • Helps DEVELOPMENT of the brain and the nervous system.


  • Helps to regain STRENGTH and maintain posture.
  • Releases tension from the back, neck and shoulders.
  • Tones the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.
  • Deep RELAXATION helps you to release and REPLENISH your energy.
  • Builds CONFIDENCE, trust and communication between mum and baby.

When your baby begins walking you can move onto Family Yoga.

Thu 4th Jul 2024 (11:30 - 12:45)
Sport / Physical Activity
Single class Mum & Baby Yoga £18.00

This activity also runs on these dates:

Thu, 4 Jul 2024 (11:30 - 12:45)
Thu, 11 Jul 2024 (11:30 - 12:45)
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 (11:30 - 12:45)
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 (11:30 - 12:45)
Thu, 1 Aug 2024 (11:30 - 12:45)
Plus 6 more sessions...

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