Sunday Social 5k Windmill Road, Coventry Canal, Sutton Stop Loop

Sunday Social 5k Windmill Road, Coventry Canal, Sutton Stop Loop

Address: Longford Park, Windmill Road Entrance

Contact Name
Longford Park, Windmill Road Entrance
Contact URL

Activity Information

Longford Striders 5K Sunday Social group run. Starting from the Windmill Road Entrance car park, this 10- 13.5 minute mile pace group run consists of mainly running on tarmac paths and a light trail. The group heads up the Windmill Road, turning left onto the Longford Road. There we will enter the Coventry Canal section heading towards Sutton Stop. We leave the Canal section at the Carpark by Sutton Stop, heading down Grange Road, turning left on to Anderson Road. After the Anderton Road, its a Left on to Jackers Road, Right on to the Aldermans Green Road before turning right again into Sledmere, ready for the home straight back to the park. Faster runners can run a bit quicker, but are encouraged to be aware of the distance they are away from the group and loop back (or have a rest) at junctions. This way no runner gets left behind, and everyone has the best quality group run experience. Full run safety brief given prior to starting out. Any questions or feedback welcome.
Sun 28th Jul 2024 (09:00 - 06:01)
Sport / Physical Activity
Single session £0.00

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