What I like about yoga

What I like about yoga

Posted: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:09 by Michael Whapples

Michael doing yoga in crow pose

This last couple of weeks yoga has been the main activity I have been doing. I thought I would write a little about what I like about yoga and why it forms a core part of my active life.

There are a number of different types of yoga, from energetic forms like astanga yoga which gives a good physical workout to more relaxing forms like restorative yoga. This means it is possible to modify a yoga session to fit my needs at the time. Whilst I can use yoga to challenge myself, it isn't a competitive activity so I am free of the pressures of competition and training for competitions. Instead I am free to select what I want to focus on at any given time.

Most of my yoga is done at group classes. When I first started doing yoga I did feel a bit nervous about going to group classes, feelings of whether I would know what to do and how others might view me. However I have found I need not have had these concerns and going to a class has been the best way for me to learn yoga. Having a teacher being able to explain poses and provide feedback on what I am doing has got me to a point where I feel quite confident about my yoga.

Now I am more experienced with yoga, I also do yoga at home. As yoga needs very little in the way of equipment, it is very easy to just do yoga when I want to. May that be when the weather is bad and outdoor activities are less appealing, or when I just feel I want a break from things like work.

As someone with a vision impairment, many sports I need someone to help me do the activity, however yoga I feel it is something I can do as independently as if I did not have the disability. This means I feel able to do yoga as and when I want rather than only at the times I am able to find someone who can help me. This ability to be independent when doing yoga, means it is something I can rely upon as a core part of keeping active.

Tags: Active Together Champions, Home Workout, Yoga