Meet Ben

Ben began cycling following his retirement

Ben from Oadby & Wigston

Ben met his friends in the 1960's, but lost touch as the years went on. As he entered retirement, he renewed old friendships and decided to return to cycling (something he always used to enjoy). Ben enjoys cycling through the countryside and getting some fresh air whilst keeping fit.

Ben and his friends have been cycling every week since 2011. As his age has increased, his miles have reduced, but not by much. Him and his friends still take their time to cover 20 to 30 miles, regardless of the weather season. They cycle along quiet roads and tracks, keeping a close watch for traffic and ride in single file when overtaken.

On the rare occasions that they need to ride a short stretch of a fast and busy road, they break into groups of 3 for safety. Ben and his friends are a 'social fitness' group, as they can chat amongst themselves whilst cycling at a steady pace.

Do you want to be active like Ben?