Meet Michael

Regular running helps Michael look after his family

Michael from Melton

Michael is a dedicated runner who has been passionate about the sport since the age of 11. Now running three times a week, he enjoys the fitness, fresh air, and sense of exploration that comes with hitting the trails and roads. For over 10 years, Michael has been an active member of Stilton Striders Running Club and participates in parkruns and Melton Running Club events whenever time allows. He also enjoys walking and playing a bit of social tennis with his grown-up son.

While Michael doesn't claim to be the fastest runner, he thrives on challenging himself, entering road or trail races every six weeks to stay motivated. Although he's completed marathons in the past, he now prefers the 10k distance, appreciating the balance it brings to his active lifestyle. Running provides Michael with a sense of well-being, mental clarity, and a way to maintain his health.

In recent years, Michael has faced some challenges. After turning 50, he began experiencing niggling injuries, which led him to start a weekly stretch and Pilates class about five years ago. This has significantly improved his flexibility and balance, helping him stay injury-free. Additionally, Michael has managed asthma since his mid-20s, and running has always been a key part of maintaining his lung health. However, after contracting Covid in December 2022, his breathing was severely impacted. It took 18 months to regain control, and he now runs more slowly and monitors his heart rate closely.

Beyond the physical challenges, Michael also juggles family commitments. He works six days a week and supports his wife, who suffered a stroke in November 2022, resulting in partial vision loss. Despite these challenges, Michael remains committed to his running routine, seeing it as essential to staying fit and able to support his family.

Michael firmly believes in the power of sport to enhance quality of life, both physically and mentally. Through his own experiences, he advocates for the role of physical activity in maintaining health and well-being, no matter the obstacles.

Do you want to be active like Michael?