Meet The Commitments

The Commitments continue to help keep people active.

The Commitments from North West Leicestershire

The Commitments are a group of people in North West Leicestershire who met through a shared experience of recovering from cardiac procedures, and subsequent cardiac referral programmes.

Initially, the group consisted of three members, who met twice at weekly sessions. The members struck up a friendship and went for a coffee and chat after each session. The group has since grown to over 20 members.

The group soon discovered that gym sessions were more enjoyable and easier with the support and motivation that friendship with other members gave. Most of the members wouldn't have attended the gym if they were alone, and so the group atmosphere encouraged everyone to keep going. The wide range of equipment at their local gym enables each member to work at their own pace and abilities.

Whilst the gym offers the group support for cardiovascular health, they are also looking after their own mental health by being able to chat to each other about their share experiences. Having a chat and a coffee are just as important as the gym.

Do you want to be active like The Commitments?