You can still Push The Boat Out!

Posted: Wed, 17 May 2017 11:33

You can still Push The Boat Out!

If you thought sailing was something you could never do, five Leicestershire and Rutland clubs and organisations will show you it is with RYA Push The Boat Out 'have-a-go' sessions this month!

Leicester Windsurfing and SUP Club, Rutland Sailing Club, Rutland Watersports, Roundhill Sailing Association and Leicestershire and Rutland Youth Sailing Association are all giving you and your family the chance to discover something completely different outdoors at free and low cost sailing and windsurfing events from Saturday 13 – Sunday 21 May.

Over 20,000 people of all ages and abilities regularly go down to their local sailing club every month across the Midlands, sailing small sailboats or windsurfing on the region's reservoirs, lakes and rivers and just loving the freedom and buzz of being on the water.

You don't even need a boat to learn to sail locally as clubs have ones you can use, while if your whole family found you enjoyed messing about in boats so much you wanted to join a local club it could cost just £20 a month, or even less, for all of you.

Still think sailing isn't for you? Gareth Brookes, RYA Regional Development Officer for the Midlands, believes Push The Boat Out will change your mind.

He said: "If you want to find a new activity that gets you outdoors, gets the air in your lungs, helps you clear your mind, gives your body a bit of a work out and that you can do with your whole family if you wish, sailing could be your answer.

"Through Push The Boat Out, you will be able to get out on the water with experienced sailors who you will find to be exactly like you in a boat suitable for you. That is why sailing really is one of the most inclusive sports around.

"Whether you want a leisurely sail with your family, to experience something a bit more high octane or just potter about with your partner, our Leicestershire and Rutland clubs and groups can offer all of this as well as a brilliant social network in what, for so many people, becomes a genuinely lifelong pastime."

It isn't too late to get involved. Sessions are still planned for:

  • Leicestershire & Rutland Youth Sailing Association
  • Rutland Sailing Club
  • Roundhill Sailing Association
  • Leicester Windsurfing and Stand Up Paddle

Don't worry about kit, packing a lunch or anything else for Push The Boat Out; every event will provide all the equipment you need with refreshments available. So grab a towel and some old trainers you don't mind getting wet and sail into summer with Push The Boat Out. For full details of your nearest event, including date, time and what's on offer, visit

Tags: Featured, Get Active, News, Sailing, Windsurfing