Mental health for sports and physical activity providers

Posted: Mon, 23 Oct 2017 14:30

Mental health for sports and physical activity providers

UK Coaching have made a commitment to the coaching industry to promote positive mental health by advocating the mental health benefits of taking part in sport and being a volunteer, as well as supporting coaches by promoting learning specifically designed to remove stigma and barriers for people who take part in sport and physical activity.

UK Coaching have been asked by MIND to support the development of their Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity (MHASPA) training, aimed at supporting those who deliver sport and physical activity sessions to better understand mental health.

UK Coaching was proud to present, alongside MIND, the MHASPA training to industry leaders and professionals at the Summit, as well as premiering the animation 'Promoting Good Mental Health through Coaching'.

The aformentioned animation and supplement infographic, was developed as part of the advocacy for raising awareness of mental health and more importantly the role that coaching can play in supporting participants to maintain good mental health.

For this project, UK Coaching worked with Public Health England and MIND to ensure that the messaging and content was the very best and mirrored the aspirations of both organisations in making a positive impact.

The animation has been recommended for use by PHE in order to raise awareness across the health industry and with the partners they engage with via the Physical Activity Clinical Champions programme. This forms part of the strategy for wider health outcomes, including mental health as described in Everybody Active, Every Day.

(Source: UK Coaching)

Mental health for sports and physical activity providers

Tags: Deliver Sport, Mental Health, News