GO GOLD Athlete of the Week: Maisie Elliott

Posted: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 17:30

GO GOLD Athlete of the Week: Maisie Elliott

Maisie's swimming journey as an athlete, has allowed her to travel and meet different people in the world! Read what Maisie gets up to in and out of her busy life:

1. Describe your typical day:

I swim 8 times a week, 3 of which are mornings. My alarm goes off at 4 am and I have to be in the pool for 5 am and train until 7 am. Then it's a mad dash home grabbing some breakfast and then off to Lutterworth High School. I finish school at 3 pm, go straight home and have something to eat. I am then back in the pool from 4.30-6.30 pm followed most days by 30 minutes land training. After that its home, something to eat, catch up with homework and if I have time watch some TV in bed!

2. If you won the lottery what would be the first thing that you bought?

I would buy a dog and a horse. I had to give up horse riding because of my commitment to swimming.

3. What has been your biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge is balancing school and swimming, making sure I don't fall behind in my school work.

4. What's the best thing that your sport has enabled you to do?

The best thing that my sport has enabled me to do is to travel and meet different people. I was chosen to go to Taiwan for the International Children's Games last year. This was my first time being chosen to go abroad. Since then I have also represented the East Midlands in France.

5. What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment was going to the British Championships this summer in 8 events and getting into every final and coming 1st in 100m fly, my favourite event.

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?

California as the weather is always hot and hopefully I would meet some famous people in Hollywood.

7. Do you have anything else that you'd like us to know?

I like to play basketball for my school. I also enjoy watching box sets on Netflix in my down time!!

Tags: GO GOLD, News, Swimming, featured, funding