‘Daily Boost’ Launch – getting our children and young people active, healthy and happy

Posted: Fri, 25 May 2018 10:29

‘Daily Boost’ Launch – getting our children and young people active, healthy and happy

Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport, alongside initial funders Leicestershire County Council are launching the Daily Boost, a programme designed to support children and young people in schools and early years settings to become more active.

The Daily Boost aims to encourage children and young people to do 15 minutes of organised activity at school every day. This could be before school, at lunchtime, after school, or during the school day in an 'active lesson'. Children and young people could walk, run, skip, hop or jump around a set lap or loop at school. Or simply do their favourite sport or activity that gets them active – dancing, cycling, scooting, anything!

The Daily Boost is free* and all schools and early years settings will receive resources and rewards and access to a bespoke website to log all activity at www.lrsport.org/dailyboost

The Chief Medical Officer recommends that children and young people (5-18 years) should engage in moderate intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day. Being active provides many benefits including improvements to physical and mental wellbeing. 21% of all children aged 5-15 years who had attended school in the last week met the physical activity guidelines of at least 60 minutes of activity each day of the week in 2015**. The Daily Boost is here to tackle and reverse these issues.

The launch event on Thursday 7th June will see pupils at Brocks Hill Primary School in Oadby, alongside 'Zoom' the Daily Boost mascot, participate in a variety of their own Daily Boost activities.

Schools can now sign up for the Daily Boost, by registering their school to receive resources including posters, flyers and classroom wallcharts. After every 'boost' of activity the school records the participation levels on their wallchart and termly on the website for pupils to earn boost bands and certificates! The website also features a Boost Tracker so schools can monitor the number of boost activities and participation numbers undertaken over the term and school year.

Tags: Active Lifestyle, Deliver Sport, Featured-bigger, Mental Health, News, Play Sport, Running, Walking