GO GOLD Athlete in the Spotlight: Maddy Kirk

Posted: Mon, 30 Jul 2018 07:00

GO GOLD Athlete in the Spotlight: Maddy Kirk

We get to know more about new Go Gold athlete Maddy Kirk as she sails through her blog, touching on teamwork, her love for the sport and favourite holiday destinations!

1. What do you enjoy most about being part of a team?

Everything in a team is a lot more rewarding. It gives you someone to rely on when something goes wrong and someone to celebrate with when you get it right.

2. What do you enjoy least about being part of a team?

Having to trust someone else to put the same amount of effort in as you.

3. If you could play another sport what would it be?


4. What is your favourite place to compete?

Weymouth and Portland Sailing Academy

5. What do you feel your strengths are in your sport?

Keeping the boat fast

6. What do you feel is your current weakness in your sport?

Communication with my partner

7. What is your favourite TV series?


8. What is your go to pre training snack?

Pesto pasta

9. Which do you prefer, Instagram or Twitter?


10. What made you pick your sport?

I spend all my summer in Norfolk where our house is really close to a sailing club so I started there to make friends while on holiday.

11. What would be your ideal holiday?

Flotilla holiday in Croatia.

12. What do you enjoy most about your sport?

The freedom it gives you.

Tags: GO GOLD, News, athletics, featured, sailing