Posted: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 10:39
Leicester Riders and Torr Waterfield have agreed to extend their partnership for the Leicester based accounting firm to provide all accounting and financial support for the reigning BBL Playoff Champions for the 2019/20 season.
The Riders have a highly successful women's team, and a player pathway recognized to be amongst the best in the UK. They also offer a range of corporate facilities at the Morningside Arena.
Mark Torr, Director at Torr Waterfield, was delighted to extend their support to the Riders:
"Riders are a great asset for the city of Leicester and have shown sustained excellence over a period of time. They also provide great family entertainment, and a superb game night experience. Helping businesses like the Riders to achieve their potential is part of the core ethos of Torr Waterfield, and we are pleased to have the opportunity to continue to work with them."
Riders Chairman Kevin Routledge was pleased to continue working with Torr Waterfield:
"Getting matters off the court right, and ensuring we are operating sustainably, is a big part of future for the Riders and the work of Mark and his team have been key to the progress we have made over the last few years. As we grow, getting the right support in terms of expertise and resources in all financial matters is key, and Torr Waterfield have been great to work with and we are delighted this will continue."
(Source: Leicester Riders)