Every movement counts this summer

Posted: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 09:00

Every movement counts this summer

The greatest benefits to our physical and mental health comes when we go from doing no physical activity at all to doing just a little bit!

There are many ways busy mums and dads, families, young people, office workers and older adults can build physical activity into their lives. Being physically active is easier than you think, especially if you make activity part of your daily routine.

The amount of activity you need to do each week depends on your age...

Under 5's – Babies, Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers

Top Tips and ideas to help babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers move a little more include:

  • Break it up. Movement can be broken up into bouts of 10 minutes.
  • Best place is home. The home is perfect for young children to start being active around routine and comforts.
  • Move more. Minimise the amount of time spent sitting, using car seats or strollers.
  • Say well done! Giving lots of praise will help boost their confidence.
  • Lead by example. Involve yourself in the activity. Young children are great at copying!

10 minutes – Do some tummy time, encourage babies to reach and roll for their favourite toys, act out some nursery rhymes, make a drum using a saucepan and spoon, roll a newspaper and do some mark making, do some parent/baby yoga...

20 minutes – Blow bubbles and encourage children to chase, read a story and act out some of the actions, play hide and seek, put on some music and move to the beat, encourage children to tidy away their toys.

30+ minutes – Go to the park, explore the woods using sensory play, build a den, go swimming, enjoy time on a balance bike/scooter, play some exploring games e.g. target throw, chase, throw and catch.

Children and Young People

Top Tips and ideas to help children and young people move a little more:

  • Break it up. Daily activities can be made up of 10 minute sessions.
  • Reduce screen time. Instead of watching TV/tablet, encourage your child to find fun activities to do on their own or with friends.
  • Let them help choose. Children are more likely to participate in something if they're involved in picking it too.
  • Lead by example. If parents are physically active, their children are likely to be active too.

10 minutes – Play a game with friends; hide and seek, tag, hopscotch, skipping, put some music on and have an indoor disco...

20 minutes – Walk/cycle/scoot to school, build a den outside, help with some household chores, make an obstacle course and have races, download and use an activity app...

30+ minutes – Go to the park with friends or family, go for a bike ride or swimming, use an outdoor gym, join a junior parkrun, play a game with siblings...


Top Tips to help you move a little more:

  • Start small. Something is better than nothing! Start with 10 minutes and build up gradually.
  • Move More. Sit Less. Break up long periods of sitting by simply moving! Stand up and stretch your legs.
  • Mix it up. Explore and try different activities! This will work your body and mind in lots of ways.
  • Treat yourself. Set small activity goals and treat yourself when you achieve them. This will keep motivation levels up!

10 minutes – Play a game in the garden with your children, walk round the block, do some gentle desk exercises, walk up the stairs, carry and unload shopping…

20 minutes – Do some housework, walk/cycle to work or school, have a walking meeting at work, do some yoga…

30+ minutes – Visit a playground or park with family, go for a bike ride, gardening, attend an exercise class/gym, wash the car, walk the dog…

Older Adults

Top Tips to help you move a little more in later life:

  • Start slowly. Something is better than nothing! Start with 10 minutes and build up gradually.
  • Find a buddy. Doing activity with family or friends is much more fun. Local services can also help to connect you.
  • Move More. Sit Less. Break up long periods of sitting by simply moving! Stand up and stretch your legs.
  • Mix it up. There's activity everywhere….at your local village hall, parish or in your community. Join a dance class, a walk for health or play active games with your grandchildren.

10 minutes – Play a game in the garden with children, walk round the block, do some gentle stretching exercises, walk up the stairs, carry and unload the shopping, do some tai chi to relax…

20 minutes – Do some housework, weed or mow the garden, do some yoga/pilates, walk the grandchildren to school, invite friends for a walk before a coffee, play a game of bowls...

30+ minutes – Visit a playground or park with family, gardening, attend an exercise class/gym, wash the car, walk the dog, invite friends out for a scenic walk (and some lunch!), attend a tea dance...

Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport and a range of health and wellbeing organisations, are working together to help us all, move a little more.

To make your move, visit www.llrmakeyourmove.org or follow #LLRMakeyourMove

Tags: Angling, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Boccia, Bowls, Boxing, Canoeing, Chair Based Exercise, Cricket, Cycling, Dance, Disability Sport, Exercise Referral, Falls Prevention, Featured-bigger, Football, Gardening, Golf, Hockey, Netball, News, Pilates, Rounders, Squash