Posted: Tue, 7 Jul 2020 17:00
Throughout COVID-19 Rural Community Council (RCC) are continuing to provide remote support to people managing village halls and other community buildings.
RCC have developed practical and clear guidance to support those responsible for the operation of community buildings in planning their reopening of facilities. Information available via their dedicated webpage is being updated regularly to help keep up to date in a rapidly changing environment.
Notably, on Friday 03rd July, RCC delivered a live webinar which was well-attended with representation from across Leicestershire and Rutland. For those unable to attend the meeting, the recording and presentation slides have now been added to the webpage as an option to download or view online.
For other sports organisations seeking information on re-opening of facilities, or restart of activities, additional information can be found via the LRS Sport Organisation Support pages which includes government advice, sport sector guidance and business support opportunities. This page also provides links to Leicester and Leicestershire information on local lockdown measures currently affecting Leicester and surrounding areas.