Physical activity and sport linked to reducing days lost to sickness and boosting workplace productivity

Posted: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 09:51

Physical activity and sport linked to reducing days lost to sickness and boosting workplace productivity

Taking part in physical activity & sport has major positive effects on people's physical and mental health & wellbeing, which in turn drives economic growth by reducing days lost to sickness, boosting workplace productivity and reduces economic disparities by increasing labour market participation.

The personal and financial benefits of improved workplace health and wellbeing, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, was well documented. In the current climate, individuals and organisations have a renewed and increased appetite for physical, social and mental wellbeing, in an effort to prevent ill health both in the short and long-term. It's more important than ever that employees feel supported to look after their health and wellbeing at work (whether they are at work in person or working remotely).

As an employer, improving the habits and behaviours of employees will support improvements in productivity and a reduction in sickness absence, presenteeism and staff turnover. (Click here for more information)

A recent report commissioned by Active Together, previously Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sport stated "Taking part in physical activity & sport has major positive effects on people's physical and mental health & wellbeing, which in turn drives economic growth by reducing days lost to sickness, boosting workplace productivity and reduces economic disparities by increasing labour market participation. (Click here for the report)

The same report "estimates that around 2.25 million working days in Leicester and Leicestershire were lost due to poor health, illness and injury in 2020."

It also quoted the potential benefits "if the number of workdays lost per year reduced to an average of 2 days per worker, this could add a further £160 million GVA per year to the Leicester and Leicestershire economy due to productivity benefits.

The Wellbeing At Work Charter has been designed and developed to provide a stepping stone process for employers which begins with a FREE 'Pledge'.

Over 90 employers have signed the 'pledge' and are supporting their workforce to improve their wellbeing.

Leicestershire County Council (2019), Director of Public Health's Annual Report quoted "Physical Activity programmes at work reduce absenteeism by up to 20%. 27% fewer sick days taken by physically active workers."

If you can put the following things in place, you are ready to sign the 'pledge' and access the FREE resources and progress the journey of your workforce.

  1. Appoint a dedicated health and wellbeing coordinator
  2. Demonstrate management buy in
  3. Promote public health messages to encourage healthy lifestyles
  4. Pledge to make the most of the FREE resources

Find out more here - Wellbeing at Work | Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport (

Tags: Business, News, Partners, Wellbeing at work