Free cost-of-living support and advice for community businesses

Posted: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 13:12

Free cost-of-living support and advice for community businesses

As part of Resilient Communities Fund, the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has joined up with Power to Change to offer bespoke advice and support to help your community business.

CSE will host a series of online resources and monthly webinars, available to anyone working in the wider community business sector.

Upcoming webinars

Financing energy efficiency measures in your community building - Monday 3rd April 2023, 3pm-4pm.

This session will cover how to fund higher cost energy efficiency measures and the installation of renewable or low carbon technologies in your building. You will be provided with practical tips about funding and submitting a grant application.

Fuel poverty awareness and basic energy advice - Wednesday 3rd May 2023, 3pm-5pm.

This session will cover what fuel poverty is and how it's impacting our communities. You will be provided guidance on how to identify if someone is in fuel poverty and how you can support them.

Building community energy resilience: exploring community action on energy - Thursday 1st June 2023, 3pm-4:30pm.

This session will explore community-level initiatives for supporting people in your community to act on energy to reduce their carbon emissions and lower their bills. This will help businesses to understand how they can start building longer-term community energy resilience.

Source: Centre for Sustainable Energy

Tags: News, Partner