Posted: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 10:30
Aura is an Active Women Coach for Leicester City in The Community.
When asked 'how do you inspire inclusion?' the key theme of this years International Womens day Aura said:
'We inspire inclusion by understanding and cater for the specific needs of our women's only programme, by taking a place-based approach that is tailored to the needs of local communities.
For instance, we teamed up with the local mosque, to utilise its women's only space normally used for prayers. The mosque is already a familiar, popular space within the neighbourhood, somewhere the women meet in a daily basis, where they feel comfortable, many are already accessing education and services there; besides it demonstrated our commitment to reach out to our participants instead of expecting them to come to us or to the traditional sport hall or leisure centre.'
The LeaderBoard Programme is run in partnership with Sporting Equals, an organisation that promotes ethnic diversity across sport and physical activity.