Loughborough Wellbeing Session gets more active for Mental Health Awareness Week

Posted: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 09:00

Loughborough Wellbeing Session gets more active for Mental Health Awareness Week

On Thursday 16th May, Dr Annette Durant, one of the GPs from the Bridge Street Medical Practice in Loughborough, led her usual wellbeing session at Fearon Hall community centre, but this time with a little help from the Active Together team.

Mental Health Awareness week (13-19th May) focused on moving more for our mental health. Dr Durant explained why movement is such a vital part of life: "There are a myriad of benefits to people of being active. Not only does it keep them on top of their physical health, but it releases feel good hormones, it gives people a chance to connect with others, as we are doing today, and it helps boost self-esteem. I run these sessions every week and we do things that help people to learn not only more about living well but also help them to feel a sense of belonging and purpose. We all come here, share our knowledge and leave knowing a little bit more about ourselves and each other."

"I have been coming here since last year when I was feeling down. I saw Dr Durant at the surgery and she recommended that I came. I love it here. Dr Durant has brought out the best in me. She and her team are the gems of this community, they deserve the highest medal."

Bryan Johnston, 76, went to see his GP at Bridge Street Medical Practice, Dr Borrill, to discuss living better with his chronic conditions. "I have a few physical health issues now and Dr Borrill suggested that I came here today to take part. It is my first session and I hope to be back. I believe that I can delay the effect of my chronic health issues through being more active. When I retired, I started to cycle and could barely manage eight miles. But, as with everything in life, I gradually increased and I now cycle 80 miles a week. I love the sense of being outdoors. It lifts my mood and I get a great physical boost as I pedal."

The event finished with a taste of how people can get active whilst being at home or even sitting at work. The Active Charnwood and Active Together Team led a session with stress balls and bands and managed to get people sweating without even standing up.

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