Parkinson's UK Grant Fund - open for physical activity providers

Posted: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 07:30

Parkinson's UK Grant Fund - open for physical activity providers

Parkinson's UK have announced a grants programme to help people with Parkinson's to get and stay active.

In 2024, Parkinson's UK aim to be able to provide grants of up to £3,000 to support physical activity projects for people with Parkinson's all over the UK.

The programme is open for applications from Monday 3 June 2024. The web page and process for applications includes helpful guidance for providers:

  • Guide for applicants
  • Local staff contact list
  • Online physical activity and Parkinson's awareness course

Get in touch:

Use the link below. You can also send any questions via email at

Parkinson's UK Grant Fund - open for physical activity providers

Tags: Disability Sport, News, Parkinsons, Partners