8 in 10 Brits want prevention rather than weight-loss drugs to tackle health crisis

Posted: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 14:30

8 in 10 Brits want prevention rather than weight-loss drugs to tackle health crisis

ukactive, reveals the nation's priorities when it comes to health, physical activity and wellbeing.

The findings reveal a clear demand from the public to prioritise preventative health solutions that benefit the nation physically and mentally – and an appreciation of the need to reduce pressure on hospitals and the NHS.

Asked which is a greater priority, rather than opting for investing more in weight-loss drugs, 85% of respondents chose lifestyle support, for example, for the long-term prevention of obesity and related health conditions. Long-term prevention was particularly popular among those aged 55 and over, with 93% preferring this as the priority.

Physical activity can help to prevent more than 20 chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, many types of cancer, musculoskeletal conditions, depression, anxiety, and dementia – generating more than £5.2 billion in healthcare savings a year.

Sixty-one per cent of survey respondents say that if their doctor gave them the choice, they would prefer to receive treatment or support for a health condition or injury in a gym, leisure centre or pool over a hospital (39%). Receiving treatment in these community settings would help to meet the demands on health services.

Active Together partners, in Leicester, Leicesterhisre and Rutland can find resources for practices and patients to be more physically active on the Active Medicine page.

Tags: Active Lifestyle, News, Partner