More people in England using leisure facilities

Posted: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:30

More people in England using leisure facilities

Leisure facilities in England are playing an increasingly important role in their communities, a new study has revealed, with more people using them than a year ago.

The report reveals that participation and throughput to leisure centres have both increased, with:

  • the average number of participants per site up by almost a thousand people (7%)
  • and overall visits growing by over 10,000 per year (5%).

The growth in leisure centre usage by economically disadvantaged groups is notable, with visits from users in the most deprived 20% of areas increasing by 9% (100,000 people).

This demonstrates the crucial role leisure facilities play in supporting vulnerable communities to get active locally, providing inclusive and accessible opportunities for physical activity and social interaction.

Sport England's strategic project lead, Emma Bernstein, emphasised the importance of these findings.

"The value of these facilities to our communities cannot be overstated," she said.

"They are more than just places to exercise; they are lifelines in offering crucial social connection, mental health support and physical health benefits.

"This report showcases their importance, but even more so, how they have continued to provide those benefits during particularly tough times."

Source and Image: Sport England.

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