Posted: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:00
On Thursday 7th November, Active Together welcomed over 80 delegates from the separate locality Healthy & Wellbeing teams from across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to the Active Together Stakeholder Event at the NSPCC Training Centre in Leicester.
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland is a very diverse but vibrant place to live and work. Within Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland there are many individual places and communities with their own unique characteristics and challenges. As a partnership, Active Together seeks to recognise and respond to the needs of it's places and work with local places to find local solutions to support communities to be physically active.
The purpose of the Stakeholder Event was to invite our closest physical activity partners for a day of conversation and debate, exploring how we enhance the conditions in our places to create positive outcomes for our population.
The Stakeholder Event supported us as a partnership to:
- Further understand the national perspective on working in place
- Develop a shared narrative and understanding of working in place across Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland
- Challenge ourselves to enhancing our current place working
The day was centred around 3 big conversation points:
- Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland's definition of 'working in place'
- What do we already do, and what do we need to be better at?
- Reflection, and next steps
Open Space Workshops
Dedicated times to reflect on keynote discussion and big conversations also took place, in the form of workshops. Delegates had the opportunity to attend two different workshops:
- Integrating physical activity into sectors: Discuss how we can and should embed physical activity into agendas beyond the sport and leisure sector.
- Strengthening community and individual capacities: Discuss how we can and should support our communities and use their assets to encourage our residents to move more.
- Tackling structural inequalities: Discuss what are the system challenges that are preventing our residents from becoming active. How can we advocate for change?
The day also featured important messages delivered by:
Andy Reed OBE - Active Together Chair
Graeme Sinnott - Director of Relationships (Active Partnerships Network)
Richard Croker - Active Calderdale
The Stakeholder Event helped start the process of co-designing our definition and approach, which will help us seek to influence system partners to consider their role and how they facilitate physical activity.
We also seek to extend our reach and connections to new partners, services and organisations, that can play a role in increasing opportunities for people to move more.