News - Tags: SOS

Tags: SOS

ACAS Guidance Update: Supporting Disabled People At Work

ACAS Guidance Update: Supporting Disabled People At Work

Posted: Tue, 24 May 2022 13:28

Acas has updated disability guidance to provide clear advice on how to support disabled people at work. Can you help to share this resource with your audiences and across your networks? Read More »

Tags: Business, News, Partners, SOS

Have you checked out our Research and Evidence Portal?

Have you checked out our Research and Evidence Portal?

Posted: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 12:00

Part one of our deep dive into our insight hub function focusing on our research and evidence portal. This article will help you to understand the function and key features of the research and evidence portal as well as explaining ways it could benefit and be used within your organisation. Read More »

Tags: Business, News, Partner, SOS

What’s the next big priority in your business?

What’s the next big priority in your business?

Posted: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 15:36

Should you be looking at negotiating better terms with your suppliers, do you need to build stronger relationships with your b2b customers or are you wanting more financial stability? Whatever you need there's help available through the Business Gateway's free workshop programme. Read More »

Tags: Business, Clubs, News, Partner, SOS