Welcome to the Research and Evidence Portal. Here you will find a catalogue of relevant national and local physical activity and sport literature made up of reports and case studies that allows users to search by key themes, location, date and age. You can also find a number of practical toolkits and guidance documents to support the marketing and promotion of your programmes and campaigns.

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Telling the story of the Together Fund- Active Together

May 2024

Active Together

The Together Fund was part of Sport England’s package to support the sector through COVID-19. Active Together supported local organisations and groups to access this funding with a focus on new organisations and groups that hadn’t been in receipt of similar funding or were less experienced in applying for funding.

Insights Report: The role of kit in community sports

May 2024


This research project aims to provide insights into: the role sports/physical activity has for the self-confidence and self-esteem of children and young people.

Bridging the Gap: Understanding how to support people with long term health conditions to become more physically active

May 2024

We Are Undefeatable

We Are Undefeatable's 'Big Talk' public consultation was initiated to inform the resources the campaign should focus on developing, but contains insights worthy of review by anyone involved in supporting people with long term health conditions. It draws together input from those with lived experience and their network.

Active Lives Adult Survey 2022-23 Report (LLR Headlines)

Apr 2024

Active Together

Local headline findings from Sport England's Active Lives Adult Survey November 2022-2023, providing an updated overview of adults’ (age 16+) sport and physical activity levels and volunteering data.

Active Lives Adult Survey November 2022-23 Report

Apr 2024

Sport England

This report presents data from the Active Lives Adult Survey for the period mid-November 2022 to mid-November 2023. Data is presented for adults aged 16+ in England.

Act Now: Musculoskeletal Health Inequalities and Deprivation Summary

Mar 2024

Arthiritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA)

This report highlights the key social and economic factors that impact poor MSK health, including poverty, education, employment and environmental and dietary factors that discourage physical activity and a healthy diet. While the NHS can address some of these issues, it cannot alone eradicate inequalities in MSK health.

"Boys will be boys" - Creating a new generation of male allies for girls in sport

Mar 2024

Women in Sport

This report outlines insights from the Women in Sport research project with primary school boys to understand their attitudes towards girls in sport.

Health barriers for girls and women in sport

Mar 2024

House of Commons

UK women's sport is gaining more media coverage and public interest. This increased attention is highlighting the inequality in support and understanding of women's health and physiological needs in sports like football, cricket, and rugby.

Youth provision and life outcomes: A study of the local impact of youth clubs

Mar 2024


The goal of this research was to understand what impact the presence of youth clubs have on local areas.

Ramadan Guidance for Schools and Educational Settings: Physical Education and Physical Activity

Feb 2024

Birmingham City University

This paper presents guidance to schools and wider educational establishments on how to accommodate and support the fasting student, and fasting Physical Education teacher during Ramadan.