Sport Welfare Officer

A national network of Sport Welfare Officers has been created across England to provide local support to clubs. Funded by Sport England, their role is to promote good practice and safe sport for children, young people and adults, and add capacity and expertise at a local level.

Sport Welfare Officer for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland - Gillian Haluch

Gillian Haluch

Gillian Haluch

I'm here to support sports clubs and physical activity organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. I work closely with Club Welfare and Safeguarding Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers – my work can range from helping them meet their safeguarding responsibilities to developing knowledge and skills, sharing good practice and connecting them with other club welfare officers through forums we run.

I have 20 years of experience working in safeguarding and community safety at a local authority and I have also volunteered in grassroots sport as my children were growing up. I understand the challenges faced by club welfare officers and everyone involved in running a club!

I am also part of a regional and national network of Sport Welfare Officers, working closely with colleagues in the East Midlands and National Governing Bodies to ensure a consistent approach.

Here's a bit more about what I do:

  • Provide localised support for Club Welfare Officers (CWOs)
  • Signpost clubs to the right advice and guidance.
  • Work with CWOs and members to create a safer culture within their clubs.
  • Facilitate local training opportunities and events.
  • Create networks and forums so that CWOs feel better connected and informed
  • Recognise, share and develop best practice in relation to welfare.
  • Raise awareness of safeguarding and welfare at local events.

If you are interested in hearing more about how I can support your club or organisation, please get in touch using the contact details below.

The East Midlands Sport Welfare Forum

East Midlands Sport Welfare Forum

For Club Welfare and Safeguarding officers, coaches, committee members and anyone volunteering or working in sports or physical activity clubs

A private Facebook Group:

  • Local training opportunities
  • Knowledge, information and updates on safeguarding and welfare topics
  • Resources and templates
  • Questions and discussion forum
  • Sharing of best practice and ideas
  • Live events and webinars
Gillian Haluch - Active Together

Gillian Haluch - Active Together

Sport Welfare Officer

Active Together

Supporting sports clubs and physical activity organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Active Together
01509 467491