Baby/Toddler Activity (Under 5)
It is so important that children under the age of 5 are staying active on a daily basis.
An Overview of Baby/Toddler Activity (Under 5)
It is so important that children under the age of 5 are staying active on a daily basis.
The national recommendation by the Chief Medical Officer states that children aged 12 months and under should be doing a minimum of 30 minutes physical activity per day and children aged 1-5 should be doing a minimum of 180 minutes of physical activity per day. This can help with their physical, mental and social development.
It is well documented that high levels of physical activity in childhood can lead to continued participation in later life. It is important to establish high levels of physical activity to encourage children to stay active enough to benefit their health and to support continued interest and participation throughout adult life.
Programmes to support physical activity in early years could include; CPD for Early Years Staff (encouraging active settings), Parental Engagement (encouraging active homes) and targeted programmes such as active play, risky play, active travel and fundamental movement.